Monday, June 22, 2015


Day 5

The buzz of an alarm shattered the peaceful slumber of the exhausted orienteers at the crazy hour of 7am!! While Tim and Dylan dragged themselves out of bed, Roark pulled his duvet over his head and clung onto the last few moments of sleep.

By 7:30 we were all ready to face the daunting task of our first radio interview. We’d face this alongside Sigmund and Martin. Tim and Dylan managed to pull off their answers admirably, but Roark fell flat due to his lack of knowledge about anything involving biology, and probably scared off any Norwegian listeners from ever visiting South Afica with his vivid stories of giant boomslang dropping out of trees – he was trying to talk about mambas. (Tim and Dylan say Roark wasn’t that bad).

After the interview we headed out into the pouring rain for a long distance training session in the Eina Bru forest. After a nice warm-up run to the other side of the forest and some lekker banter we arrived at the start and were soon on our way through the spongy marshes. We are definitely starting to get a better understanding of the terrain and today’s training was much more successful. Tim struggled with numbers though confusing number 6 and 9 and ignoring the line from 5-6. Dylan had quite a nice run, but is not a huge fan of all that rain #notacapetonian. Roark had fun doing a running commentary for the GoPro footage of his course.

At the present moment Dylan is reading under the moose (clearly his favourite part of the club house.

Rest of the day to follow when wifi is found again.

Wifi was found...

The second training session was unanimously voted against (everyone was feeling a bit tired), and we instead took a jog down to the nearby cliffs and lake to shoot some 'cool' GoPro footage. We managed to get ourselves and our new kit thoroughly soaked and muddy and discovered that floating islands are not the most stable of surfaces. A brisk run back, a long shower and we were ready to head off to the Vister's home where we enjoyed a delicious Norwegian meal and made use of the wifi to connect back to the world.

On our way back to Einarbu we took a slight detour in the hope of sighting the elusive moose, but to no avail (the moose are clearly winning our game of hide and go seek).

Quote of the day: Dylan: "I'd happily hallucinate a moose"
Fact of the day: South Africa has 5m long snakes that fall out of trees (according to Roark)

Heres a short video of some of the falls and fails captured so far.

Higher res video can be found at:


  1. Yes guys, just listened to the interview and im sure you have frightened off any potential O visitors with your stories of snakes falling out of trees. Really! When has that ever happened at an O event? A more likely 'scary' story would be running into a herd of zebra or startling a Kudu

  2. How can I listen to the interview?

  3. The link to the radio interview is
    its a long program so go to 2hrs19 min on 22-6-2015-its from there

  4. Unfortunately the quality isnt great.. Will try post a link with the higher quality version :)
