Thursday, July 10, 2008

Unseen photos!

Here are some of the photo we've got that didn't make it onto the blog. We may regret some of them.

Dylan punching the last control on the relay. He ran the 1st leg
Alex, just after the last control on the relay, setting off after the Irish Ruairi.
Finishing the relay. He managed to get past Ruairi.
Dylan at the banquet with the Japanese Girls
The Latvian guys and girls before the banquet.
Yes, we did wear that to the supper part of the banquet.
Dylan negotiating the tricky middle run in.
Dylan BEFORE the long. Intense focus.
The start of the women's relay. Some SA girls in there next year?
Alex and Henrik at the start of third leg of the relay. The Estonian second team didn't have a great start and weren't far ahead of us.
The Ladies Sprint Podium. The winner was 16 years old.
The Mens Sprint Podium.
A picture off the web of Alex leaving the last control on the sprint.
Dylan discussing his race with Ruairi. Also off the web.
The SA top 10 list
A picture at the airport

1 comment:

  1. The Senior National Team shudders at the thought of having to take you 2 in after these photos..... :-D
