A page for the comings and goings of South African Junior Orienteers
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sprint start times
The live coverage page has more information: here
Sunday, June 29, 2008
The archipelago and the map of the base

Saturday, June 28, 2008
Pavelund Sprint

Friday, June 27, 2008
Into the accommodation
We are lucky enough to be in B accommodation. Everyone is staying in the military camp. We’re in an eight person room: 3 South Africans and 4 Latvian women (!) It’s really tough having to go downstairs to the men’s bathrooms to change. Sigh...

Thursday, June 26, 2008
Elk in the forest, elk for supper
We're about to meet up with Peter and we're going to move into the JWOC accommodation. We're not expecting much: the classes are A, B, C on the entry form. Somehow we ended up in D....
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
We are staying in a soccer club house with two Spaniards. We recognise one of them from the Orientabonito Camp last year.
We stepped out of our cottage and onto this map. The southern half has been burnt recently. We are getting better at finding the controls and executing plans, but control flow and speed need some work. Tomorrow, we'll cross this map, to a 1:15'000 map.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Partille-Gunillse Map
We’re packed up and ready to move. We should meet Karl for the first time. The sun has come out now, but it’s still 13 degrees. Hopefully the sun will stay for another week and a half.
Eriksberg Sprint Map
This is our last night in Karl’s flat. We’re off to stay with some Spaniards in a cottage.
We’re getting a lot of distance in our legs at the moment. We’re walking a lot to and from trams and buses. We’re planning a shorter sprint training tomorrow. On Tuesday we’re moving to new accommodation: a cottage near a club house. It’s on the edge of two of our training maps. We need to get to a 1:15’000 map soon.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Jonsered Training
Here is a picture of our accommodation until Tuesday night.
This morning we met the event director Mats. We collected some more training maps, including the Swedish and Danish JWOC selection race map. We will try it this afternoon. It looks a bit crazy. We’ll put it up tomorrow.
We hope everyone enjoyed Gauteng Champs!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
The first training
The city
The travelling

We arrived in Gothenburg on Thursday evening. We’re staying in a one man, one room flat that is about 10 minutes bus ride from the central station. Thank you to a very trusting Swede, Karl or Nightfox on Attackpoint, who is letting us stay in his flat while he is in Switzerland. Thanks Karl. We're enjoying the NCL (Nightfox Compact Living)
Saturday, June 14, 2008
The Team
We'll spend the first part of the trip training and getting to grips with the Gothenburg terrain and maps. Competition starts with the Sprint Final and Opening Ceremony on Monday the 30th of June. Four races later, the event will close with the Relay on Sunday the 6th of July.
The team consists of:

20 years old
2nd JWOC and 2nd time orienteering in Sweden
Links to Training Logs and ramblings are on the right
2nd JWOC and 2nd time orienteering in Sweden
Links to Training Logs are on the right

The team is managed by Peter Hemer:
Not as young as he used to be
2nd JWOC as manager
1st Orienteering trip to Sweden
Firstly, thank you to the Moms for putting in such an effort over the past year. We've steadily been raising money at every event, and they've even put on some special events.
Peter Hemer has been working very hard at making this trip a success. Hopefully you'll enjoy it Peter!
Our sponsors are shown on the right. Thanks for the donations and contributions. We are very grateful to everyone who has contributed.
Thank you to the Gauteng Orienteers for putting up with another year of fundraising:
- Thanks for buying boerewors rolls, chicken burgers and drinks.
- Thanks for supporting the raffles.
- Thanks for supporting the fund raising tea and the rally.
The Blog
- You can get a good overview of last year's trip by looking at the posts from 2007.
- Our sponsors are shown on the right --->
- Some of the juniors log their training (...some of the juniors train?). Have a look for the Attackpoint
- The JWOC 2008 homepage is also listed. You can see the calendar of events for the week long competition --->
- We've got a good crop of juniors for the next few JWOC's. Have a look at the Italian and Danish JWOC's --->
- And the Gauteng Orienteering Clubs' web pages are also there --->